Friday, December 4, 2009

Quick Briefing on Paper Topic

This weekend I will be writing my paper for presentation on Thursday Dec. 11th. After hearing some of the other papers I'm even more excited to write this one because I feel that we have been allowed a significant space to "play" with our topics of choice. Really look for mine to be a bit shorter than 10 pages, but with some significant "play" in it's structure, theme, and approach that should only compliment what we have discussed in the course of this class! I'm really looking forward to it!

In my paper I'm going to focus on the passage in John Shade's poem "Pale Fire" where he discusses how the misprint of "fountain" instead of "mountain" in a local press piece, he is lead to believe that someone shares his view of life eternal. The more broad message underneath this scene is how our mistakes don't necessarily lead us to the "wrong" place, but to another place worth exploring and learning new things. Furthermore, I plan on exploring how mistakes operate on Nabokov. I really would like to focus this on how the characters in the works deal with their often mistaken thoughts and also how the reader is supposed to deal with some of the "false scent" trails that Nabokov leaves for us.

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